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If you're going to find an agent on your own, here are some tips:

  • The most experienced agent isn't necessarily the best

  • Look for someone who aims to educate. You are a first-time homebuyer after all, you're going to have a lot of questions. You wouldn't want someone who gives short answers, expecting you to know it all

  • Look for someone who communicates well. This is important for clear and effective negotiations on your behalf

  • Avoid a dual agent, or the listing agent of the home you're trying to buy. They will not be loyal to you if they represent both sides of the deal

  • I would be wary of an agent that is brand new to the business. Who wants to test their first-time home purchase with a first-time agent? Any volunteers? This is an expensive transaction

  • I wouldn't go with someone just because ‘so and so’ knows them. Did ‘so and so’ actually work with them? How was their experience? Did they check all of the boxes?

Where to find one:

  • Make it easy on yourself and fill out the form above. Or...

  • Check out online reviews

  • You can always find a realtor at an open house. Talk to them as an interview, see if it feels like you'd enjoy working with them

A word about the NAR settlement.

The settlement ended the practice of listing the agent compensation on the MLS (the catalog of homes listed).

The reason is because they wanted to dissuade real estate agents from only showing properties to buyers that had a high paying commission.

My opinion:

I don't think much will change. Agents are asked to be more transparent with setting the commission. But the commission was always negotiable.

Sellers will likely continue paying for the buyer agent's commission. But you will want to be careful when signing agreements. If the seller of a property refuses to pay for a buyer agent's commission, you may be stuck paying your agent's fee. Luckily, everything is negotiable.

When you meet with your agent, make a list of must-haves (bedroom count, bathroom count, location, size) and then make a separate list of wants.